Duration: 850 Hrs (6 hrs/ day, 6 days in a week)
Overview:Bioinformatics is the application of Information Technology to the field of Biological Processes.
For the life science students, the program serves as an entry into IT industry. Similarly, the students from Engineering background (Biotechnology & IT) take this as an opportunity to enter into Biotechnology profession.
The demand for bioinformatics professionals is very high; but the industry faces a short fall in skilled bioinformaticians. Here lies the opportunity for opting a specialized and customized course in bioinformatics. Our curriculum has been formulated to meet the industrial requirements and to equip the participant an ‘industry ready’ candidate.
Companies like BioBase, Biocon, RevenueMed, Paragon Biomedicals etc. need such bioinformaticians and hence the participants taking this programme seriously will get an opportunity to enter such companies.
Course Modules :
Fundamentals of Bioinformatics -10hrs
Collecting and Storing Sequence Data -45hrs
Sequence Alignment and Applications -45hrs
Multiple Sequence Alignment and Applications -30hrs
Gene Prediction and Structure Prediction Algorithms-10hrs
Introduction to Computers -5hrs
Programming in C- 30hrs
Structural Biology-50hrs
Molecular Biology-50hrs
Genomics and Proteomics-35hrs
Programming for Bioinformatics-10hrs
PERL Programming-10hrs
Database Management Systems-10hrs
Web Technologies-10hrs
Common Gateway Interface-5hrs
Molecular Graphics and Drug Design-45hrs
Bioinformatics Lab-50hrs
Lab in Database and Web Programming-30hrs
PG/UG in Life Science, Pharmacy, Agriculture, Engineering & Medicine |